Teammate Handbook Cover

1959 Survivor Benefit Program

The 1959 Survivor Beneft coverage is available by contract amendment for those not covered by federal Social Security with their employer. Covered members are required to pay at least a $2 monthly fee that is deducted from their salary specifcally to fund the 1959 Survivor Beneft Program. The program provides a monthly allowance to eligible survivors of members who were covered by this beneft program and died before retirement. The 1959 Survivor Beneft allowance is payable in addition to any other pre retirement death beneft paid by CalPERS, with the possible exception of the Special Death Beneft. If the 1959 Survivor Beneft is greater than the Special Death Beneft, then the difference is paid as the 1959 Survivor Beneft. 1959 Survivor Monthly Beneft Levels Currently, there are fve different beneft levels for local miscellaneous members. Your coverage depends on your employer’s contract with CalPERS. Refer to the following chart to determine the amounts paid under each level, depending on the number of eligible survivors.




Three or More Survivors ***




Level 1* Level 2* Level 3* Level 4

$180 $225 $350 $950

$360 $450 $700

$430 $538 $840



Indexed Level**




* Levels 1, 2, and 3 are closed to new agency contract amendments. ** The amounts quoted are effective January 1, 2018. These amounts will increase by 2 percent on January 1, 2019, and each year thereafter. *** Amounts can differ if all children are not in the spouse’s or domestic partner’s care.

C a l P E RS Memb e r P u b l i c a t i o n | L o c a l M i s c e l l a n e o u s


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