Teammate Handbook Cover

we use depends on your retirement formula(s). If you are not sure, ask your personnel offce. We use your full-time pay rate, not your earnings. If you work part time, we will use your full-time equivalent pay rate to determine your fnal compensation. my|CalPERS automatically fnds and uses the highest compensation period during your employment with CalPERS.

Fiscal Year CalPERS operates on a fscal year calendar, which is July 1 to June 30.

Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) This federal law protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. It also includes provisions providing national standards to protect the privacy of personal health information. Member An employee who qualifes for membership in CalPERS and whose employer has become obligated to pay contributions into the Retirement Fund. Open Enrollment Period A period of time determined by the CalPERS Board when you can enroll or change health plans, or add eligible family members not currently enrolled in the CalPERS Health Program. PEMHCA Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act. Government Code sections 22751 et seq. is the body of state law that governs the CalPERS Health Program. Reciprocal Agreement An agreement between CalPERS and many public retirement systems within California that allows movement from one public employer to another, within a specifed time limit, without losing valuable retirement rights and benefts. Service Credit Your credited years of employment with a CalPERS employer. This amount of service is credited to your CalPERS account and used in the formula to determine your retirement benefts. In some cases, other types of service credit (e.g., sick leave and service credit purchases) can be credited to your retirement account and used to enhance your retirement benefts. Special Compensation Additional income you might receive for uniform allowance, holiday pay, longevity pay, etc., and is reported separately from your base pay. Survivor A family member defned by law as eligible to receive specifc benefts at your death.

8 8 8 C a l P E R S ( o r 8 8 8 - 2 2 5 - 7 3 7 7 ) | www. c a l p e r s . c a . g o v


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