Teammate Handbook Cover
City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules Effective Date: January 23, 2008
1.1 Purpose: These Personnel Rules establish the personnel system for the City of Morgan Hill pursuant to Resolution No. 6150 adopted by the City Council of the City of Morgan Hill on January 23, 2008. 1.2 Coverage: These rules shall apply to all City employees, except that nothing in these rules regarding disciplinable rights and disciplinary processes applies to those who serve in the following capacities: a. All Elected Officials and members of appointed Boards, Commissions, or Committees; b. At-will employees as defined in section 2.4 of these rules; and c. Persons engaged under contract. 1.3 Employment Contract Not Created: Nothing in these Rules creates any contract of employment or right to continued employment, expressed or implied, for those who serve at-will, at the pleasure of the City Council, or by contract as listed in section 1.2 above. 1.4 Precedence of Rules: If a provision of these rules conflicts with federal or state law, City ordinances or with any provision of an employment agreement or applicable collective bargaining agreement entered into by the City of Morgan Hill and a recognized employee organization, the provisions of federal or state law, City ordinances, or bargaining agreement shall be deemed to be controlling.
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