Teammate Handbook Cover


Community Engagement The City’s Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Plan defines the communication, priorities, strategies, and tools the City will use when communicating with the Community. Through the Plan, the City will share the Morgan Hill story and work to build trust with the Community and ensure that we provide effective engagement opportunities. Through effective application of communication strategies, the Plan will ensure that all City Council Members, Commissioners, and teammates have the tools to provide accurate, timely, and relevant information to the Community. The Plan aligns communication resources with the goals to set clear communications expectations for the Community, ensuring that the City can continue providing excellent services that reflect the strength of the City’s outreach initiatives while supporting the implementation of the City Council’s strategic priorities.

Encourage Community engagement through audience appropriate two-way communication, and ensure opportunities for constructive feedback. Share accurate, non-biased information promptly through a variety of communication channels. Maximize opportunities to engage with the Spanish speaking community by sharing information and resources in Spanish and holding workshops, town halls, and other meetings in Spanish.

Build trust in local government by creating a sense of belonging and value with all members of the Community, especially those that are traditionally marginalized. Work directly with the Council, staff, and Community partners to ensure communication and outreach efforts, objectives, and outcomes align with the strategic priorities and promote Community understanding. Keep City teammates informed and involved in public dialogue to aid in telling the Morgan Hill story.

Economic Development and Tourism The City’s Economic Development efforts focus on implementing the Economic Blueprint strategies and actions to help build long-term fiscal sustainability and improve quality of life for residents. This will be achieved by attracting jobs and commercial investment which generate revenues to support essential City services and improve critical City infrastructure. The Economic Blueprint is focused on advancing economic prosperity and vitality by attracting investment, development, and jobs in four key industries:

Tourism: Grow leisure, agriculture, wine country, and sports and recreational tourism. Continue to nurture Downtown’s transformation as a Community gathering place. Support the Downtown Property Based Improvement District and manage parking supply. Support and incentivize additional lodging investments, implement activations with partner organizations, and partner with Visit Morgan Hill to support increased tourism and vibrancy.

Healthcare: Grow and foster medical and diagnostic services by advancing and supporting the entitlement process for new medical facilities. Promote and market Morgan Hill as a desired location for medical and diagnostic providers. Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing: Grow existing companies, attract new industry, and grow high-quality jobs. Support and advance the entitlement and permit process of new developments. Promote and market Morgan Hill as a premier location for commercial and industrial investment. Retail: Grow retail offerings and strengthen commercial nodes. Utilize incentives and available tools to attract new investments that increase both jobs and revenue to the Community.


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