Station Area Master Plan - Updated Sept.2017
City of Morgan Hill
• Buffered bicycle lanes on Main Avenue and Dunne Avenue
• Multi-modal intersection improvements at Butterfield Boulevard/Main Avenue, Butterfield Boulevard/Dunne Avenue, Monterey Road/Main Avenue, Monterey Road/Dunne Avenue, and Hale Avenue/Main Avenue Valley Transportation Plan 2040 includes adding bicycle lanes on Main Avenue between Butterfield Boulevard to Condit Road, just outside of the Station Area (Project B86). The existing and planned bicycle facilities are shown on Figure 1-36.
Bicycle Toolbox
Bicycle tools primarily include closing gaps in the bicycle system and upgrading bicycle facilities where feasible:
• Continually updating the City’s bicycle master plan to incorporate best practices and to be eligible for grant funding
• As part of the Depot Street Study, plan for appropriate bicycle lane widths
• Using best practices regarding bicycle lane striping on intersection approaches
• Adding a second stripe to existing bicycle lanes to better delineate space for cyclists, possibly during roadway repaving projects
Adding planned bicycle lanes
Constructing planned shared-use paths
• Adding buffered bicycle lanes to Monterey Road between Main Avenue and Dunne Avenue as part of a road diet • Adding bicycle racks throughout the Downtown to support cycling as an access mode for business customers • Adding bicycle lockers at strategic locations throughout the Downtown to support cycling as an access mode for employees
• Ensuring signalized intersections have bicycle detection
• Adding bicycle sharing, a form of bicycle rental with a fleet of shared bicycles in pods at key locations in the city (e.g., Transit Center, Community and Cultural Center, City Hall, Community Recreation Center, etc.)
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