Station Area Master Plan - Updated Sept.2017
City of Morgan Hill
C. : Pedestrian Lighting
Morgan Hill upgraded its pedestrian-scale lighting in 2015 to a 10-foot tall, LED, acorn- style light fixture (See Figure 2-15) along streets that fall into the Boulevard, Local and Transit Connector street typologies. The fixtures are spaced at an average of 50 to 75 feet apart. Along Arterials and Local Streets, the City uses 30-foot tall cobra head lights. (See Figure 2-16.) As an additional measure along Arterial streets, the City could consider replacing existing cobra-head lighting fixtures with fixtures that combine both roadway and pedestrian-scale fixture heads in one fixture. Such fixtures are available in contemporary (See Figure 2-18) and traditional (See Figure 2-17) styles. Dual-headed fixtures may also be appropriate in the larger City-owned off-street parking lots.
Figure 2-18: Contemporary design of a combined roadway and pedestrian-scale light fixture
Figure 2-17: Traditional design of a combined roadway and pedestrian-scale light fixture
Figure 2-16: Roadway cobra head light fixture
Figure 2-15: Pedestrian acorn- style light fixture
Table 2-2 below describes how Furnishing Area improvements can be located along streets in the Downtown street typology categories.
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