Teammate Handbook Cover

City of Morgan Hill Personnel Rules Effective Date: January 23, 2008


3.1 Appointing Authority: The City Manager or his/her designee shall be the Appointing Authority for the City. The City Attorney shall be the Appointing Authority for his/her staff.

3.2 Personnel Officer: The Human Resources Director or his/her designee shall be the Personnel Officer. The duties of the Personnel Officer include but are not limited to:

a. Prepare and administer the Classification Plan as required by Section 4 of these rules;

b. Conduct recruitment and selection for vacant budgeted positions including the publication of job announcements, the administration of appropriate examination and selection processes, and the certification of applicant’s eligibility for employment; c. Negotiate and administer the provisions of all applicable Memoranda of Understanding with recognized employee organizations and the applicable Resolution by the City Council for management, professional, and confidential employees;

d. Negotiate and administer employee benefit and workers compensation plans;

e. Coordinate applicable proceedings related to non-disciplinary and disciplinary personnel actions;

f. Develop and organize city-wide training and assist other Departments with personnel issues;

g. Maintain accurate personnel records as required in Section 12 of these rules;

h. Perform other duties as directed by the City Manager; and

i. Nothing shall preclude the Personnel Officer from recommending to the City Council that any one or more of these functions be performed under contract with a qualified person, agency or organization.

3.3 Amendment of these Rules: Amendments to these Rules shall be made by the City Manager and shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council.

3.4 Violation of these Rules: Violation of the provisions of these rules shall be grounds for rejection of applicants or disciplinary action of employees including, but not limited to suspension, reduction in pay, demotion, or termination.


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