Teammate Handbook Cover
Administrative Policies and Procedures Use of City Equipment, Information Resources, Cellular Phones, and Communication Resources III019 November 1, 2007 (Revised: July 10, 2009) Page 8 of 8 7.2 City communications resources can be used to display or link to information about an activity or service under one of six circumstances: A. The activity or service is funded solely by the City of Morgan Hill; B. The City of Morgan Hill City Council has formally co-sponsored the activity or service; C. The activity or service is sponsored by an entity with which the City has a contractual relationship, and the activity or service is a part of the contractual relationship; or D. he activity or service is sponsored by another governmental entity. E. The activity or service is provided by a non-profit that benefits the Morgan Hill Community. F. The event is held at a City owned facility through rental or other agreement. 7.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of this policy, City departments may, at the discretion of the City Manger, identify City communication resources including but not limited to: bulletin boards, display boards, email marketing tools, website calendars, and digital display boards which may be used to promote community activities and services. Guidelines for the use of such communication resources shall be developed by the department and approved by the City Manager. 7.4 Facility supervisors or Department Directors, or their designees, shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy.
APPROVED: _________________________ J. Edward Tewes, City Manager _________________________ Date
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