Teammate Open Enrollment 2021
During Open Enrollment, eligible teammates may:
• Change their health, dental, and/or vision plan selections for the following
calendar year.
• Opt into a plan, if coverage was previously waived.
• Opt out of a plan. If opting out of health coverage, proof of other health
insurance and the completion of the City of Morgan Hill Medical In-Lieu
form is required.
• Acceptable proof of coverage is a payroll record that shows health
insurance deductions, any business record or other statements
indicating coverage or letter from insurer.
• Add eligible dependents to coverage. If you plan to do this, you will need to
provide HR the proper documentation (e.g. birth certificate, marriage
• Enroll in a Section 125 Plan (Health Care & Dependent Care) or adjust
contribution amounts. This must be completed every year if already
enrolled in a plan, not an automatic enrollment.
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