Urban Water Management Plan 2015
various City facilities and on the City’s web page (www.morgan-hill.ca.gov) for review two successive weeks prior to adoption. After public review, the plan was adopted on July 27, 2016. Prior to the public review the City held an informational open house on June 16, 2016, to provide information about the City’s 2015 UWMP, as well as to receive comments and input from members of the community. 1.6 UWMPS AND GRANT OR LOAN ELIGIBILITY Beginning in 2016 changes to California law require that urban retail water suppliers must comply with water conservation requirements established by the Water Conservation Act of 2009 in order to be eligible for State water grants or loans. For 2015 UWMPs, compliance with the Water Conservation Act of 2009 means that a water agency must have met its 2015 Interim Urban Water Use Target, discussed further in Chapter 5; this compliance must be reported in the 2015 UWMP. 1.7 PREVIOUS URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLANS The City of Morgan Hill prepared a 2010 UWMP, which was adopted on June 7, 2011. This UWMP documented the SBX7-7 baseline per capita was use, as well as the interim and 2020 water use targets. This UWMP documented the groundwater conditions, future water supply projects, the water shortage contingency plan, and demand management measures implemented to reduce water demands. The 2010 UWMP serves as a benchmark for the 2015 UWMP, as the 2015 UWMP will update the target projections consistent with the final Guidebook release from the Department of Water Resources.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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