Urban Water Management Plan 2015
2015 City of Morgan Hill 4.0 CHAPTER 4 – SYSTEM WATER USE
The UWMPA requires that the UWMP provides a description of the current and projected water uses within the purveyor’s service area. In addition to the description, the UWMP must also quantify the current and projected water uses. 4.1 RECYCLED VERSUS POTABLE AND RAW WATER DEMAND This chapter summarizes historical and current potable water use as well as provides a brief summary of recycled and raw water demand. 4.2 WATER USES BY SECTOR This section documents the historical and projected water use as well as the maximum day demand. Law 10631. (e)(1) Quantify, to the extent records are available, past and current water use, over the same five-year increments described in subdivision (a), and projected water use, identifying the uses among water use sectors, including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following uses: (A) Single-family residential. (B) Multifamily. (C) Commercial. (D) Industrial. (E) Institutional and governmental. (F) Landscape (G) Sales to other agencies. (H) Saline water intrusion barriers, groundwater recharge, or conjunctive use, or any combination thereof. (I) Agricultural… (2) The water use projections shall be in the same five-year increments described in subdivision (a). 4.2.1 Historical Water Use The City currently provides domestic water to residential, commercial, industrial and institutional customers within the City limits. At the time of preparation of the 2015 UWMP, and based on most recently available data, the City had recorded water delivery service to 9,646 single family residential users, 1,968 multi-family residential accounts, 804 commercial, institutional, and industrial accounts, and 650 landscape accounts. In 2015, domestic water use totaled approximately 5,379 AF, as summarized in Table 4-1 .
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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