Urban Water Management Plan 2015
Smart Planning Our Water Resources
August 11, 2016 City of Morgan Hill 17575 Peak Avenue Morgan Hill California, 95037 Attention: Jay Jaso, Management Analyst Subject: Final Draft 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
Dear Jay:
We are pleased to submit the City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (2015 UWMP) which is intended to address the Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMPA) of 1983 and amendments thereof. The City’s 2010 UWMP received a letter of review and completeness from the Department of Water Resources in April 2014. This 2015 UWMP addresses additional amendments to the UWMPA and new guidelines established by the Department of Water Resources. One of the amendments, SB 555 enacted in October 2015, requires urban retail water suppliers to quantify and report their distribution system losses in accordance with the American Water Works Association water audit methodology. We extend our thanks to you, Karl Bjarke, Public Works Director; Dan Repp, Deputy Director of Utility Services; Saeid Vaziry, Chief Engineer at SCRWA; Anthony Eulo, Environmental Services Program Administrator; and other City staff whose courtesy and cooperation were valuable in completing this study.
Tony Akel, P.E. Principal CC: Enclosure: Final Draft 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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