Urban Water Management Plan 2015
Following the update of the baseline population based on the 2010 census data, discussed in section 5.4, the average per capita water use target over the same 5-year range was equal to 205 gpcd. 5.4 SERVICE AREA POPULATION Law 10608.20 (e) An urban retail water supplier shall include in its urban water management plan due in 2010…the baseline daily per capita water use, …along with the bases for determining those estimates, including references to supporting data. (f) When calculating per capita values for the purposes of this chapter, an urban retail water supplier shall determine population using federal, state, and local population reports and projections. 10644 (a)(2) The plan…shall include any standardized forms, tables, or displays specified by the department Consistent with the 2010 UWMP, California DOF population estimates were used to determine historical populations as part of the 10-year average per capita water use, as indicated in SBX7-7 Table 2 . Based on a review by DWR, it was determined that the DOF estimates based on 2000 census data differ from the estimates based on the updated 2010 census data (available in late 2012). Therefore the baseline service area population was updated with the DOF estimates based on the 2010 census data and is summarized on the following page in SBX7-7 Table 3. This updated population over the baseline period is used in the calculation of the baseline period average per capita water use.
SBX7-7 Table 2 Method for Population Estimates
Method Used to Determine Population
1. Department of Finance (DOF) DOF Table E-8 (1990 - 2000) and (2000-2010) and DOF Table E-5 (2011 - 2015) when available
2. Persons-per-Connection Method
3. DWR Population Tool
4. Other
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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