Urban Water Management Plan 2015
2015 City of Morgan Hill 6.0 CHAPTER 6 – SYSTEM SUPPLIES
The UWMPA requires that the agency provide description as we all quantification of the current and projected sources of water available to the agency. If applicable to the agency, UWMPA also requires potential uses and availability of the recycled water. 6.1 PURCHASED OR IMPORTED WATER The City currently uses local groundwater as the sole source of water supply and does not purchase or import water from any other water suppliers or entities. 6.2 GROUNDWATER For planning purposes the State of California has been divided into ten separate hydrologic regions by the DWR, based on the State’s major drainage basins. According to the California Water Plan 2013 Update, the City is located in the Central Coast Hydrologic Region. Each hydrologic region is divided into distinct groundwater basins, each of which is typically divided further into smaller interconnected groundwater subbasins. The following section summarizes the groundwater basin and subbasin underlying the City. 6.2.1 Basin Description Law 10631. (b) If groundwater is identified as an existing or planned source of water available to the supplier, all of the following information shall be included in the plan: 10631 (ii) A description of any groundwater basin or basins from which the urban water supplier pumps groundwater. Groundwater Basin The City is located above two groundwater subbasins: the Llagas subbasin of the Gilroy-Hollister Groundwater Basin and the Santa Clara subbasin of the Santa Clara Valley Groundwater Basin ( Figure 6-1 ). Due to different land use and management characteristics SCVWD further divides the Santa Clara subbasin into two separate subareas, the Santa Clara Plain and the Coyote Valley. The City extracts water from the Coyote Valley subarea of the Santa Clara subbasin. The subbasin and subarea divisions help better define the aquifer below the City. These subbasins are interconnected and help filter, transmit, and store water and can also be further defined by the aquifer characteristics, such as confinement and soil properties.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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