Urban Water Management Plan 2015
Recycled Water Coordination
The City does not utilize recycled water due to economic infeasibility and it is not considered as a future source of supply. 6.5.2 Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal This section describes wastewater collection and disposal. Law 10633 The plan shall provide, to the extent available, information on recycled water and its potential for use as a water source in the service area of the urban water supplier. The preparation of the plan shall be coordinated with local water, wastewater, groundwater, and planning agencies that operate within the supplier’s service area. 10633 (a) (Describe) the wastewater collection and treatment systems in the supplier’s service area, including a quantification of the amount of wastewater collected and treated and the methods of wastewater disposal (b) (Describe) the quantity of treated wastewater that meets recycled water standards, is being discharge, and is otherwise available for use in a recycled water project. Wastewater Collected Within Service Area The City operates a wastewater collection system that collects wastewater within the City’s service area and transports it to the SCRWA wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) south of the City of Gilroy. Based on reports prepared by SCRWA the City collected a total wastewater volume of approximately 2,647 AF in 2015 ( Table 6-2 ).
Table 6-2 Wastewater Collected Within Service Area in 2015
Wastewater Collection
Recipient of Collected Wastewater
Volume of Wastewater Collected from UWMP Service Area 2015
Name of Wastewater Treatment Agency Receiving Collected Wastewater South County Regional Wastewater
Is WWTP Located Within UWMP Area?
Is WWTP Operation Contracted to a Third Party?
Name of Wastewater Collection Agency
Wastewater Volume Metered or Estimated?
Treatment Plant Name
SCRWA Wastewater Treatment Plant
City of Morgan Hill
Authority (SCRWA)
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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