Urban Water Management Plan 2015
Recycled Water Beneficial Uses
Law Current and Planned Uses of Recycled Water The Recycled Water Feasibility Evaluation (RWFE), published March 2016, identified potential recycled water users ( Figure 6-3 ) through a market assessment. As identified in the market assessment, the potential future uses of recycled water in the City include landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, industrial processes, and potable reuse. As part of the RWFE, infrastructure required to convey recycled water from the SCRWA WWTP in Gilroy to the potential users in Morgan Hill was identified. However, there are currently no plans to construct infrastructure for the purpose of providing recycled water to any of the identified potential users, as indicated on the following pages in Table 6-4 . (d) (Describe) the projected use of recycled water within the supplier’s service area at the end of 5, 10, 15, 20 years and a description of the actual use of recycled water in comparison to uses previously projected pursuant to this subdivision. 10633 (c) (Describe and quantify) the potential uses of recycled water, including, but not limited to, agricultural irrigation, landscape irrigation, wildlife habitat enhancement, wetlands, industrial reuse, groundwater recharge, indirect potable reuse, and other appropriate uses, and a determination with regard to the technical and economic feasibility of serving those uses.
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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