Urban Water Management Plan 2015
Consumption reduction methods are actions taken by a water supplier to reduce demand within the service area, whereas prohibitions are specific limitations on water use. For the purpose of this UWMP, the City has not identified any specific methods, as indicated by Table 8-3 , to be implemented to reduce water consumption apart from the water use prohibitions discussed previously. 10632 (a)(5) Consumption reduction methods in the most restrictive stages. Each urban water supplier may use any type of consumption reduction methods in its water shortage contingency analysis that would reduce water use, are appropriate for its area, and have the ability to achieve a water use reduction consistent with up to a 50 percent reduction in water supply.
Table 8-3 Consumption Reduction Methods
Consumption Reduction Methods by Water Supplier
Additional Explanation or Reference
10632 (a)(9) A mechanism for determining actual reductions in water use pursuant to the urban water shortage contingency analysis.
Groundwater is the sole source of supply for the City. Each groundwater well includes a flow- monitoring device that tracks water production. Readings from these devices are used to measure and monitor City-wide water conservation. 8.6 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE IMPACTS Law
10632 (a)(7) An analysis of the impacts of each of the actions and conditions described in
paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, on the revenues and expenditures of the urban water supplier and proposed measures to overcome those impacts, such as the development of reserves and rate adjustments
For most water suppliers, operating costs are fixed rather than variable based on the quantity of water sold. As a result, when conservation programs are implemented, it often becomes
August 2016
City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan
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