November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version
c. Signs may not include balloons, streamers, ribbons or other similar devices designed to move in the wind. d. Signs may not resemble traffic-control signs or devices. 6. Display Hours. a. Signs may be displayed in the period from five p.m. on Friday to no more than four hours after sunset on Sunday, and from five p.m. on the day prior to a holiday to no more than four hours after sunset on the day of the holiday. b. Stakes and cable ties must be removed when the signs are removed. 7. Sign Attachment. a. Signs shall be securely positioned and shall be either: (1) Staked into the ground, or (2) Attached to poles or posts by means of at least two plastic strips that are a minimum of one-quarter-inch wide (commonly known as "cable ties"), provided that no sign may be attached to any utility pole, traffic signal light post or to any pole or post displaying a traffic sign, motorist call box or historical marker as provided in Section 21464(a) of the California Vehicle Code. Where placement on a pole is allowed, a maximum of one directional sign may be installed. Cable ties must be sufficiently spaced to insure that the support stake is mounted parallel to the pole or post. b. Signs may not be attached in any manner to trees, utility poles, utility cabinets, street or traffic signs, benches, hydrants, mailboxes, traffic signal light post, or any pole or post displaying a traffic sign, motorist call box or historical marker. 8. Sign Location. a. Sign must be separated by at least five hundred feet when on the same roadway, except that two signs on the same roadway may be may be located within fifty feet of an intersection if the signs are directing traffic to turn at the intersection. b. Signs must be setback at least twenty-five feet from a temporary park strip sign for a different development project. c. Signs may not be located: (1) Within eighteen inches of a curb where parking is allowed; (2) In any bus stop zone; (3) So that any part of the sign extends into any bus stop zone or sidewalk area; (4) Within twenty feet of a driveway or curb cut access ramp; (5) On medians, street barricades or on any structure located within the unimproved portions of the public right-of-way which exists beyond any face of curb or future curb line; (6) Within twenty feet of any traffic-control sign or device installed by a public agency; (7) Along any state or county right-of-way; or (8) Within the Downtown Specific Plan overlay zone. 9. Property Owner Consent. a. Signs may be placed on a park strip or behind the sidewalk only with the consent of the property owner and/or occupant of the parcel adjacent to the park strip or sidewalk where the sign is placed.
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