Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention (continued)
Schedule Order (TSO) that will include prescriptive provisions intended to help the City comply with the TMDL. Implementation of the requirements of the TSO will likely require additional resources. Spatially Based Online Reporting Platform – The cost for the online reporting platform subscription, as described above, may increase significantly after 2024. The City has begun to evaluate alternative reporting tools and is waiting for the new Stormwater Permit to be released before choosing whether to continue using the current tool, or switching to a new tool. Either way, costs for the reporting platform will likely go up after 2024. Trash Amendments – The Trash Amendments require the City of Morgan Hill to install infrastructure that captures all trash in the City down to 5 mm (about the size of a drinking straw) in priority land use areas including commercial, industrial, mixed-use, transit oriented, and high density residential development. The City has until the year 2030 to demonstrate full compliance with the Trash Amendments and will be required to upkeep and maintain installed trash capture infrastructure in perpetuity. This work will ultimately result in many capital improvements and based on preliminary analyses, will likely cost around $20 million over a fifty -year lifespan for installation and upkeep, with no identified funding source. SB 231 – Effective January 1, 2018, SB 231 expands the definition of “sewer” to include systems for the collection, treatment, or disposal of surface stormwater. The City has continued to review opportunities to leverage SB 231 to fund some of the stormwater programs through the City’s current sewer fees, however, cities have been hesitant to implement as it would further increase costs to wastewater ratepayers and legislation has not yet been tested in court. New State General Permit - It is anticipated that in FY 2022-2023 a new set of regulatory requirements will be adopted by the Regional Board. These new regulations will very likely include provisions that require funds beyond current estimates for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention program. New work elements being added to this budget which may require additional resources for oversight and management include tasks related to enforcement and inspection, coordination of the Post-Construction Stormwater Treatment Facility Inspections and Reporting, as well as tasks related to the Sanitary Sewer Lateral Ordinance.
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