Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention (continued)

FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments  Worked with Santa Clara County and City of Gilroy on implementing regulatory requirements  Submitted Annual Report to the Regional Water Board on stormwater program implementation  Began implementation of the Regional Wasteload Allocation Attainment Plan (WAAP) and Regional Water Monitoring Plan for fecal indicator bacteria  Revised the Post Construction Inspection and Stormwater Construction Inspection Programs including stormwater fee implementation and establishment of compliance schedules  Completed Trash Compliance Cost Analysis  Completed Regional Dog Waste Campaign in coordination with Santa Clara County, City of Gilroy, and Valley Water for more robust public outreach and engagement amidst COVID shut- downs FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 Activity Goals  Work with Santa Clara County and City of Gilroy on implementing regulatory requirements as required by the State and Regional Board (Protecting the Environment; Enhancing Public Safety; Fiscal Sustainability)  Continue with compliance and reporting to meet the requirements of the 2013 Phase II Permit until issuance of the new permit by the State Water Board. (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)  Establish a plan for compliance with the new Phase II Permit when it is issued by the State Water Board, anticipated in 2022 or 2023 (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)  Analyze results of the Trash Compliance Cost Analysis and establish a strategy to comply with the Trash Amendments before the 2030 compliance deadline (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)  Continue to monitor and evaluate opportunities for the use of SB 231 to support funding of stormwater program objectives (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)  Continue to implement strategies to reasonably address fecal indicator bacteria pollutants resulting from homeless encampments as directed by the Regional Water Board (Housing and Homelessness; Protecting the Environment)  Explore the possibility of a regional TSO with regional partners that focuses on meeting reasonable goals related to controllable sources of bacteria for TMDL compliance (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)


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