Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention (continued)
FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments Worked with Santa Clara County and City of Gilroy on implementing regulatory requirements Submitted Annual Report to the Regional Water Board on stormwater program implementation Began implementation of the Regional Wasteload Allocation Attainment Plan (WAAP) and Regional Water Monitoring Plan for fecal indicator bacteria Revised the Post Construction Inspection and Stormwater Construction Inspection Programs including stormwater fee implementation and establishment of compliance schedules Completed Trash Compliance Cost Analysis Completed Regional Dog Waste Campaign in coordination with Santa Clara County, City of Gilroy, and Valley Water for more robust public outreach and engagement amidst COVID shut- downs FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 Activity Goals Work with Santa Clara County and City of Gilroy on implementing regulatory requirements as required by the State and Regional Board (Protecting the Environment; Enhancing Public Safety; Fiscal Sustainability) Continue with compliance and reporting to meet the requirements of the 2013 Phase II Permit until issuance of the new permit by the State Water Board. (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment) Establish a plan for compliance with the new Phase II Permit when it is issued by the State Water Board, anticipated in 2022 or 2023 (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment) Analyze results of the Trash Compliance Cost Analysis and establish a strategy to comply with the Trash Amendments before the 2030 compliance deadline (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment) Continue to monitor and evaluate opportunities for the use of SB 231 to support funding of stormwater program objectives (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment) Continue to implement strategies to reasonably address fecal indicator bacteria pollutants resulting from homeless encampments as directed by the Regional Water Board (Housing and Homelessness; Protecting the Environment) Explore the possibility of a regional TSO with regional partners that focuses on meeting reasonable goals related to controllable sources of bacteria for TMDL compliance (Fiscal Sustainability; Protecting the Environment)
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