Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention (continued) Financial Comments Since stormwater pollution prevention reduces water pollution and keeps pollutants from being improperly discharged into the wastewater system, funding for this activity comes from transfers out of the Water and Wastewater funds in addition to a transfer from the General Fund. Additionally, the Division is directly responsible for supporting the Utilities Division for wastewater sampling in creeks, management of the sewer lateral retrofit program, sewer lateral repair grant program, storm water compliance at the corporation yard and various other program areas. The City of Gilroy reimburses the City for 50% of the Environmental Program Coordinator position and associated overhead costs. In January 2021, the City began charging the Annual Stormwater Administration Fee to cover costs related to the Post Construction Stormwater Treatment Inspection Program. In 2021, approximately $17,000 was charged under this fee to cover costs for a part-time Environmental Technician. Gilroy has expressed an interest in paying 50% for a new full-time benefitted Environmental Technician in FY 2022-23. This position is currently included in the budget, but will only be hired if an agreement with Gilroy for the increased service is finalized. The City is in the process of determining costs for compliance with the Trash Amendments and exploring options for funding sources. The new Stormwater Permit and the bacteria TMDL TSO will include new provisions and programs that extend beyond the scope of the current Stormwater Pollution Prevention program. Additional resources will likely be needed for implementation of these new provisions and programs, however, to what degree is currently unknown.


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