Adopted Budget (Final Document)

Division Description Land Development Engineering undertakes activities such as mapping and subdivision services, development review/inspection services, and floodplain management services. Team members answer questions, provide technical guidance to those considering development, provide one-stop processing for approval of certain development activities, and support to other City departments when required. While a part of the Public Services Department, the Division strives to work as an integrated component of the development process and works extremely close with the Planning and Building Divisions within the Development Services Department. It is the responsibility of the Division to balance the legal requirement for efficient review of development projects while ensuring that quality public infrastructure is constructed for the City. Land Development Engineering also oversees all developer-initiated construction activities in the public right-of-way. Division activities include:  Checking, approving, and keeping all improvement plans prepared by consultants  Reviewing all private land development activities for conformance with City standards  Checking and processing for approval of all maps for compliance with the Subdivision Map Act  Reviewing building permit applications and proposals that are filed with the City’s Building Division  Providing technical support to the Environmental Programs team for the City’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program  Reviewing private land development activities located in 100-year flood hazard areas for compliance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program’s minimum construction standards and with the City’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance FY 2020-21 and 2021-22 Accomplishments  Successfully conducted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in Spring 2020 for engineering on call, staff augmentation services. Executed four contracts for Engineering Plan Review and Technical Support Services, and three contracts for Map Review and City Surveyor Services  Completed management transition of the Stormwater Inspections to the Environmental Services Division to help strengthen the monitoring and oversight of all active private and public construction projects and all post-construction inspection activities of completed projects  Performed time estimates of land development engineering review and inspection used in the recently completed Comprehensive Fee Study of Planning and Land Development Engineering  Developed design standards for broadband installation in the public right-of-way Land Development Engineering 206 . 5410


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