Adopted Budget (Final Document)
Land Development Engineering (continued) Completed the annual documentation to recertify City activities credited under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System (CRS) Program which ensures City’s floodplain residents and businesses continue to get a 15% discount on their flood insurance premiums Mailed the Annual Flood Report citywide as part of the City Floodplain Management Program’s community outreach on flood risk reduction Conducted 17 biweekly coordination meetings with CIP engineering and Utility staff of the Engineering & Utilities Department to enhance the engineering review of development applications and ensure adequate coordination of ongoing and planned capital improvement projects affecting development projects Participated in the regular meetings of the Santa Clara County Community Rating System (CRS) Users Group, and the South County Stormwater Coordination Committee Reviewed 39 Design Review applications, 12 Use Permit applications, 6 General Plan Amendments, 12 Tentative Maps, 4 Zoning Amendments, 10 SB 330 Preliminary applications, 337 Building Permit applications (231 residential and 106 commercial), 14 Grading & Site Development Permit applications; and reviewed/processed 8 Tract Maps with Improvement Plans, 6 Parcel Maps with Improvement Plans, 9 Improvement Plans without a Final Map, 6 Certificates of Compliance/Lot Line Adjustments, 2 Summary Vacations, and final acceptances for 11 projects with completed public improvements FY 2022-23 and 2023-24 Activity Goals Complete necessary updates to Chapter 15.80 (Flood Damage Prevention) of the City’s Municipal Code that will be identified during the Spring 2022 audit of City’s implementation of floodplain management activities as a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS) (Protecting the Environment and Preserving Open Space and Agricultural Land) Assist with update of Chapter 12.02 (Street and Sidewalk Development) and Chapter 17.32 (Improvements and Improvement Agreements) of the City’s Municipal Code (Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure) Provide input on required updates to City’s Engineering Division Policies (Preserving and Cultivating Public Trust) Continue updates to the City's Land Development Engineering webpage (Community Outreach, Engagement, and Messaging) Begin an in-house training program and identify external training opportunities for new and current Engineering staff to enhance staff job performance and for professional development (Fostering a Positive Organizational Culture)
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