Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name: Pump Station Capacity
Project No. WA6006
Funding Source(s)
F651 - Water Impact Fund F653 - Water CIP Fund
Council Priorities
Fiscal Sustainability Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure
Strategic Planning Documents
2021 Water System Master Plan
Project Description This project includes the retrofit of a mobile pump station (capacity of 150o gpm) to feed water from the Llagas subbasin to the Boys Ranch area during a drought. That mobile station will ensure redundancy and will give staff the flexibility to convey drin king water from the Llagas basin to the Coyote sub-basin as needed. An upgrade to the Llagas booster station (capacity of 450 gpm) is also included in this project. The Master Plan Project IDs are BR-PS1 and LI-PS1, respectively. Project Justification The City's 2021 Water System Master Plan outlines the orderly construction of water system infrastructure intended to accommodate future growth, while maintaining adequate levels of service. To meet these level of service requirements, the Master Plan recommends the construction of these water pump station improvements to mitigate existing capacity deficiencies, increase hydraulic reliability, and account for existing operational considerations. These improvements will provide adequate levels of service for existing and future customers.
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