Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30
City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30
Project Name: Park Facility Expansion and Renovation
Project No. PR1004
Parks & Recreation
Funding Source(s)
F375 - Quimby Fee
Council Priorities
Supporting Youth, Seniors, and the Entire Community Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure
Fiscal Sustainability Healthy Community
Strategic Planning Documents Bikeways, Trails, Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Project Description The intended purpose of this project is to renovate the City's aging Community parks for future ongoing use by residents of new developments. The priorities for this project in FY 2024-25 and 2025-26 are the addition of shade structures at Magical Bridge (for which the City is applying for grant funding), and renovations at the Community Park Pond. Upgrades to the Community Park Pond are needed, but with the increasing drought restrictions and water use requirements, further formal review is necessary. In this review, replacement of the pond pump system, as well as potential conversion of the pond to another use, will be reviewed. After review, a final decision will be made by the City Council following a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Funding for other future enhancements includes funding for mulch, pathways, lighting, and playground renovations at all City Parks. Project Justification The funding of park renovations through the Quimby fee aligns with the City Council Priorities of Maintaining and Enhancing Infrastructure and Fiscal Responsibility. Renovation of existing facilities results in reductions in operating costs,supports enhanced park safety, improves park aesthetics, and improves facilities. New park amenities provide support to the Council priority of Supporting our Youth, Seniors, and the Entire Community.
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