Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30

City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30

Project Name: Villa Mira Monte

Project No. PR1008


Parks & Recreation

Funding Source(s)

F360- Community Center Impact Fund

Council Priorities

Preserving our Community History Supporting Our Youth, Seniors, and Entire Community Healthy Community

Strategic Planning Documents

Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Project Description The Morgan Hill Historical Society operates and maintains the 2.5-acre site known as Villa Mira Monte, including the Hiram Morgan Hill House, Museum, and Centennial History Trail. In 2017, the City entered into a partnership with the Historical Society to preserve the site and support the operation of the site as a Park and Recreation facility. This partnership included funding for needed repairs and small-scale improvements. The Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan further calls for the future development of Villa Mira Monte. In 2019, the City and Historical Society conducted a study on the current proposed site improvements for Villa Mira Monte. Over the last 2 years the City has partnered with the Historical Society to complete a conceptual site plan, which identifies $14 million in site improvements, including a new building with a multi purpose room, additional storage, restroom facilities, a new driveway, improved parking, utility infrastructure installation, landscaping, and storm drain improvements. CIP funding for this project includes the design and construction of a first phase for the project. The first phase would not include the building, which is the most expensive component in the site plan but would improve the driveway and add some improved available parking, a restroom building, storage, utilities improvements and other site components. Project Justification Partnering to enhance the Villa Mira Monte site is consistent with the Council priority of Preserving Our Community History and is prioritized in the Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan. While Villa Mira Monte is not owned by the City, the ownership of the site would transfer to the City should the Historical Society be unable to operate and maintain the facility.

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