Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget FY 2024-25 through FY 2029-30

City of Morgan Hill Capital Improvement Program FY 2024-25 – FY 2029-30

Project Name: New Fire Stations

Project No. PF2003


Public Facilities

Funding Source(s)

F315 - Public Safety Facilities Impact

Council Priorities

Healthy Community Enhancing Public Safety and Quality of Life

Strategic Planning Documents

Public Safety Master Plan Fire Standards of Coverage

Project Description A third Fire Station is currently under construction per the City's Public Safety Master Plan and Fire Standards of Coverage on Butterfield Boulevard between Diana Avenue and Main Avenue. In addition to constructing the facility, a new fire apparatus is being purchased. The facility is currently being constructed as an all-electric facility with a solar and microgrid system, which will make the station highly sustainable and reduce operating costs. Additionally, the City has received $500,000 in grant funding from Silicon Valley Clean Energy for the site to serve as a demonstration site.

Project Justification The expansion is required to provide responsive Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and fire response as the Community grows.

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