CMH Rec Guide Summer 2025 Final
Cards and Games
Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia and Reggaeton; the exhilarating, easy to-follow moves; and the invigorating, party-like atmosphere. Active older adults will enjoy the camaraderie, excitement, and fitness that Zumba Gold has to offer. This is a dance-fitness class that feels friendly, but most of all, fun! Instructor: Beth Location: Studio 2 Mo Ongoing 11:00 AM-11:55 AM
BOCCE BALL Thanks to the Rotary Club of Morgan Hill and Techcon Construction Company, our community has a beautiful oyster bed Bocce Ball court that is used by our seniors and anyone of any age and ability! This Italian game is similar to lawn bowling and uses softball sized balls that are easy to handle, particularly for those who are no longer able to handle bowling balls. Like the more commonly known game of horseshoes, the main goal is to simply throw or roll your bocce balls closer to a target ball than your opponent’s, but like croquet, players can knock the opponent’s balls away from the target. Location: CRC Senior Center, Patio Mo-Fr Ongoing 09:00 AM-03:00 PM CARD GAMES Drop in Card Games: includes Bridge, Pinochle, Rummy, Quiddler and others. Location: CRC Senior Center, Lobby Mo-Fr Ongoing 10:00 AM-03:00 PM Drop-in: Free MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES Let’s connect those dots! Join us for this popular domino game, which got its name from a special optional train that belongs to all players. Location: CRC Senior Center, Activity Room 2 Mo, Th Ongoing 01:00 PM-03:00 PM Drop-in: Free MAHJONG The game and its regional variants are widely played throughout Eastern and South Eastern Asia and have a small following in Western Countries. Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation and involves a degree of chance. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Join our large group of Bridge players who pair up with a partner to play the challenging game of Duplicate Bridge. Facilitator: Winston Stone Location: CRC Senior Center, Multipurpose Room 3rd Su Ongoing 12:00 PM-04:00 PM Drop-in: $6 BILLIARDS/PING-PONG Interested in picking up a game of eight or nine ball or catching a quick game of ping-pong? Billiard and ping-pong tables are available for open play during Senior Center hours. Location: CRC Senior Center, Teen Center Mo-Fr Ongoing 12:30 PM-03:00 PM Drop-in: Free Mo Th Ongoing Ongoing 01:00 PM-03:00 PM 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Instructor: Alli Location: Studio 1 Th
12:00 PM-12:55 PM
Fee: $15 CRC Member: Free
DANCE CONMIGO Let’s celebrate the Recreation Month dancing. Dance Conmigo provides a fun and easygoing way to explore different Latino American dance styles! Each step is thoughtfully explained to ensure everyone can follow along. At the end of the class, you'll have a chance to show off what you've learned in a friendly social dance session. This class is all about boosting your mental, physical, and social wellness. We’d love for you to join us—you're sure to fall in love with it! Instructors: Chiquy/Paula Location: Community Recreation Center, Multipurpose Room We 07/09 01:30 PM-03:00 PM Fee: $5 CRC Member: Free
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