Candidate Instructional Guide - November 2022 Election
Election Activities in General
Several unacceptable behaviors, considered to be false or misleading information to voters, are outlined in Elections Code (E.C.) and summarized below. Candidates are encouraged to review the full text of the Elections Code to ensure compliance with all applicable provisions.
Ballot Designation (E.C. 13107)
Elections officials shall not accept a ballot designation (defined in the Ballot Designation section if this guide) that would mislead the voter.
Implied Status (E.C. 18350)
Any person who, with intent to mislead the voters, assumes, pretends or implies that they are the incumbent of a public office, or acting in the capacity thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Candidate Statement (E.C. 18351)
Any candidate who knowingly makes a false statement in a candidate’s statement, with the intent to mislead the voters, is punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.
Simulated Ballot (E.C. 0009)
Any simulated ballot shall contain specific language as required by Elections Code, and state that it is not an official ballot, but rather an unofficial, marked ballot. No simulated ballot shall contain any official seal or insignia of any public entity.
Identification of Voter Precinct (E.C. 18302)
Every person who knowingly causes to be mailed or distributed, campaign literature with an incorrect precinct polling place listed for that voter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
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Rev. 03/16/22
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