City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
RECREATION The City of Morgan Hill provides recreation facilities and programs that are well loved and used by the community. There are opportunities to broaden participation in existing programs and expand and diversify programs and facilities to meet the community’s growing and changing needs and interests. The existing and potential future facilities recommended in this section are important to advancing the City’s sports tourism goals.
Recommendations: Programs / Membership / Facility Rentals
PR1. Create programming that supports City goals to build community cohesion, support families, and encourage healthy lifestyles.
PR2. Develop and promote programs to serve the entire Morgan Hill community.
PR2-1. Continue providing the scholarship program for CRC memberships and recreation programs.
PR2-2. Increase awareness of available programs and scholarships through increased bilingual outreach and strengthened outreach to a diversity of community-based organizations such as churches and non-profits groups.
PR2-3. Expand program offerings for teens and preteens.
PR2-4. Reach out to residents that are differently abled, have limited mobility, and seniors to better understand how existing programs may be made more adaptable and inclusive and if there is a need for adaptive programs.
PR3. Continue to ensure flexibility in program offerings so that new programs can be tested and unpopular programs can be retired.
PR3-1. Use evaluation criteria tied to registration rates, community need, and cost recovery to inform programming decisions.
PR3-2. Develop pilot recreation programs to test and evaluate the community’s interest in new types of classes, events, and activities.
PR3-3. Diversify offerings within a programming category (e.g., fitness) rather than adding identical programs to meet peak demand.
PR4. Diversify the location of programs beyond the CRC, CCC, and AC.
PR4-1. Offer programs in neighborhood and community parks throughout the City, including fitness classes and youth programs.
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