City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
PR4-2. Focus outdoor programming in neighborhood and small community parks in the northwest areas of the City to reduce barriers to participation and address under-served neighborhood needs.
PR4-3. Pilot mobile programming in neighborhood and small community parks throughout the City.
PR4-4. Offer special events, such as movie nights, in neighborhood and community parks throughout the City.
PR5. Continue to provide recreation-based preschool services and expand capacity as needed.
PR5-1. Expand the preschool program to support increased cost recovery of recreation programs.
PR5-2. Consider increasing preschool programs through facility expansion.
Recommendations: Community Services
CS1. Continue to serve as a facilitator of community and social services to ensure there are family support services for all ages in Morgan Hill.
CS1-1. Maintain and enhance partnerships with non-profit organizations to facilitate the delivery of services to Morgan Hill and south County residents.
CS1-2. Continue to provide facility space for community services including day care and senior services, focusing on multi-use and multi-generational spaces.
CS2. Proactively plan to adapt and/or expand senior services to meet projected growth in demand.
CS2-1. Support the City’s Age-Friendly City resolution by meeting the needs of the growing senior community.
CS2-2. Update the Strategy for Older Adult Programs and Services, incorporating the World Health Organization “Age Friendly City” designation to guide future programmatic planning. CS2-3. Conduct a feasibility analysis to determine which type of Adult Day Care Program is needed in Morgan Hill and the partnerships required to provide these services.
Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-11
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