City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

CS2-4. Evaluate options to support “transitions” that allow older adults to age in place in Morgan Hill.

CS2-5. Develop a sponsorship and donation program that will support growth of the Senior Support Endowment Fund.

CS2-6. Continue to partner with the YMCA, County of Santa Clara, and/or other organizations to provide the Senior Nutrition Program.

CS2-7. Continue to use partnerships to enhance resources and deliver services for Older Adults at the Senior Center and throughout the community.

CS2-8. Continue to actively participate in regional Older Adult initiatives such as the Santa Clara County Seniors Agenda.

CS2-9. Support improved transportation for Older Adults through partnerships and operations.

CS3. Continue to support Community Service activities that support community health.


CS3-1. Continue to actively recruit community-based community service organizations to locate at the City-owned Non-profit Center and/or alternate locations within the City. CS3-2. Support the Boys & Girls Club of Silicon Valley’s future use of the Friendly Inn Community Center, including evaluating the feasibility of a facility exchange or relocation for the community service organizations currently using utilizing the Friendly Inn.

CS3-3. Seek grant funding to support after-school programs and activities for residents in underserved and low-income areas.

CS3-4. Support partnerships and collaborations with government agencies and non-profit organizations that provide social services to youth in the community, such as South County Youth Task Force, South County United for Health and Community Asset Builders.

CS3-5. Continue to support the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara County or other non-profit organizations to operate the El Toro Youth Center.

4-12 | Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

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