City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
• Opportunities for urban agriculture and agriculture education with a demonstration garden/orchard or a community garden.
F1-3. Continue to collaborate with the Historical Society to support organization and site management and operations. • The Morgan Hill Historical Society should continue to manage the Villa Mira Monte Site. • Consider providing operational support to the Historical Society to hire limited-term staff for site management with the intent to identify and secure revenue for long-term fiscal sustainability. • Ensure future programming includes establishing and expanding revenue generating uses such as event rentals as well as programming to attract new visitors to the site. • The City shall utilize existing Community Services Department resources to coordinate marketing and promotion of the site to increase access and revenue generation. • Consider formally assigning the Library, Culture, and Arts Commission to make recommendations relating to historic resources.
F2. Support the development and maintenance of infrastructure that supports sports tourism, per General Plan Policy ED-4.3.
F2-1. Pursue the development of a new Baseball / Softball Field Complex on City- owned land in the SE Quadrant. The new fields should focus on serving local teams and players. However, accommodating smaller regional tournaments may also be considered.
F2-2. Conduct a market study to evaluate the feasibility of a regional sand volleyball tournament complex adjacent to the OSC/AC.
F2-3. Develop a site plan for 10 acres of property adjacent to the Aquatics Center and Outdoor Sports Center, for which the City has a future option to purchase. Property shall be used for parking and additional regional sports uses (sand volleyball, additional soccer fields, etc.). F2-4. Update aging facilities at the Outdoor Sports Center including replacement of existing turf fields, considering new turf to replace natural grass fields, installation of lighting and more frequent routine maintenance at the facility.
F2-5. Consider a market study to evaluate the feasibility of an indoor multipurpose facility.
4-14 | Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
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