City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects

F3. Ensure that regional use of Morgan Hill’s recreation facilities do not adversely impact established neighborhoods and that they support quality of life for residents.


F3-1. Site regional recreation facilities outside of established residential neighborhoods to avoid traffic, parking, and noise impacts.

F3-2. Consider transportation programs such as shuttles and bike shares that will minimize impacts from vehicular traffic and encourage visitors to travel to Downtown Morgan Hill and other shopping and dining centers.

F3-3. Develop adequate parking at recreation and sports facilities.

F4. Actively pursue joint-use agreements with MHUSD to help meet demand for sports fields and indoor facilities, per General Plan Policy HC-3.25.


F4-1. Create joint use agreement(s) with the MHUSD for existing school gym and field facilities. F4-2. Develop a new gym facility in partnership with the school district that meets the needs of both the City and MHUSD and is constructed, maintained, and programed through a joint-use agreement. F5. Maximize utilization of existing aquatic facilities, while ensuring high levels of maintenance and sustainable funding. F5-1. Adjust facility schedules to meet community demand for lap swim and programs with high demand. F5-2. Establish a coordinated reservation system with the school district for access to high school pools. F6. Maintain and support public access to Morgan Hill’s destination parks and recreation facilities. Actions


F7-1. Continue to pursue 60 percent local use and 40 percent regional use for existing and new recreation facilities, based on hours of use. F7-2. Continue to use the City’s community use policy to promote facility use for resident groups.

F7-3. Improve the lighting, accessibility, and irrigation at the OSC.

Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-15

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