City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects


OM1. Continue developing strategic partnerships with other organizations and agencies to expand and diversify services and meet the needs of the growing community.


OM1-1. Grow partnerships by targeting specific groups that can improve parks, trails, and programming within identified service area gaps.

OM1-2. Formalize all partnerships through written agreements that specify roles, responsibilities, liability, financial, and other terms.

OM1-3. Define usable time and access when joint-use agreements are used to formalize partnerships.

OM1-4. Consider concessionaire agreements or leases where appropriate.

OM1-5. Monitor the City’s role and contributions (staff time and financial) to partners of the parks and recreation system. Investments and resources directed from the City should align with expected outcomes and benefits, linking to the goals, policies, and recommendations of this Plan. OM2. Continue to be a community-driven department that actively solicits and values input and ideas from residents, stakeholders, and partners. Develop and refine the City’s approach to community outreach and communications. OM2-1. Replicate or continue successful engagement efforts from this master planning process, including use and promotion of online surveys and coordination with stakeholder advisory group members. OM2-2. Assess community needs and update the Master Plan every five years to respond to changing trends and the needs of new residents. A more frequent review of plan progress by the PRC is advisable. OM2-3. Identify segments of the community that are under-represented in community discussions and develop targeted approaches to increase their involvement. Actions

OM2-4. Strive to incorporate new technologies and tools that enhance community access to information.

OM2-5. Continue involving Morgan Hill residents in the design and development or bikeways, trails, parks, and recreation facilities and programs from the earliest possible stage.

Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-27

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