City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
Recommended Enhancements
Project Project Type
Relevant Sites
T-B5. Trail around basin east of railroad tracks between Maple Ave and Pollard Ave
Proposed Park Projects The following table includes recommendations for the development of new and enhanced parks. The recommended location for new facilities are illustrated in Figure 3-1: Proposed Bikeways, Trails, Parks, and Recreation System Concept.
Table 4-6: Recommended Park Projects Note: Projects P-F through P-P are recommended enhancements for existing parks.
Project/Project Type
Recommended Enhancements
Relevant Sites
Construct the proposed inclusive playground. (Included in 2015-16 CIP). Create a phased approach to facilitate implementation as appropriate. Implement master plans for Downtown parks. (Included in 2015-16 CIP)
P-A1. Community Park
Inclusive Playground
P-B1. Railroad Park, Third Street Creek Park, and Nob Hill Trail Park P-C1. Northeast Morgan Hill in the Potential Open Space and Heritage
Develop new parks in Downtown
New Large Community Park
Land-bank acreage (10+ acres).
Agricultural Land identified in the General Plan
P-D1. Within current City boundaries west of Hwy. 101, between Barrett Road and Dunne Road P-D2. Within the City growth boundary, west
New Small Community Parks
Develop new small community parks.
of Hwy. 101, and north of Cochrane, south of Burnet.
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