City of Morgan Hill Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Chapter 4: Policies, Actions and Projects
Project/Project Type
Recommended Enhancements
Relevant Sites
P-E1. East Side of El Toro Mountain P-E2. Foothills east of Hill Road and north of E. Dunne Ave. P-E3. Northeast Morgan Hill in the Potential Open Space and Heritage
New Recreational Open Space
Acquire open space for future trail development.
Agricultural Land identified in the General Plan
P-F1. Galvan Park Improvements (handball and lighting)
Targeted Park Improvements
Construct planned park improvements.
P-F2. Nordstrom Park/School Improvements
P-G1. Community Park: Inclusive Playground Parking P-G3. Anderson Lake County Park
Construct recommended parking enhancements for existing facilities.
Improve Parking
P-G4. Paradise Park
Add restroom facilities to heavily use small community parks. Relocate community garden to new location. (The current location has been identified for redevelopment.)
P-H1. Nordstrom Park
New Restrooms
P-H2. Paradise Park
P-I1. Downtown near the Courthouse OR City property near Butterfield overpass
Community Garden
P-J1. To be determined in consultation with neighbors.
Develop new designated off- leash dog area(s).
Off-Leash Dog Areas
Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan | 4-37
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