City of Morgan Hill Economic Blueprint.docx

The Monterey Corridor provides a tremendous development opportunity for the City. This is an area is the spine of the City and is under developed and could offer opportunities for development for uses that can support the employment lands. The City should Complete the Monterey Corridor Flex-Zoning Update and Optimize Development Opportunity (Action #7). Finally, the City can add value to businesses by streamlining entitlement processes. The Zoning Code Update provides a great opportunity to Streamline Permitting Process by allowing Administrative Approvals as Part of Zoning Code Update (Action #8). The best and most meaningful action the City can take to help business development is to simply be business friendly and provide clear policies and guidelines in a streamlined development process. Another action the City can take is to provide an online ombudsman service that allows business entrepreneurs to maneuver through the City's policies, zoning regulations, and fees from the comfort of their home through smart “open system” platforms. The City should Deploy Open-Counter Online Business Ombudsman Platform (Action #9) . The vision provided by the Economic Blueprint sends a message to developers and investors that Morgan Hill is open for business and wants their investment. Identifying the industries that we are seeking will allow the team to Market Economic Blueprint Vision, Process & Incentives to Attract Business Investment (Action #10). This will be attractive to developers as it minimizes their risk if they have the confidence that that the City is interested in and will support a certain type of development. Finally, the City team is already providing what people in the development industry call an expedited process . The City should Formalize City's Expedited Process and Market it (Action #11) to broker and investors. ❖ FOSTER AN ENVIRONMENT THAT SUPPORTS BUSINESS GROWTH


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