City of Morgan Hill Economic Blueprint.docx
The Economic Blueprint identifies four industries that are key to Morgan Hill’s future growth and further fiscal sustainability. By focusing on these areas of opportunity, the Economic Blueprint is intended to generate jobs, investment, and economic vitality, while providing goods and services to the community and new tax revenues for the City. The Economic Blueprint focuses on actionable items that the City can influence such as land use and policy decisions that remove unnecessary barriers, provide clear intentions, and align partners and Champions (outlined in Strategies and Actions). In an effort to track progress of the Blueprint efforts, a set of Economic Indicators have been identified that will allow the community to evaluate if economic prosperity is improving. The measures of success are a set of economic indicators that are commonly used by industries that track the health of the economy, including unemployment, jobs, vacancy rates, tax revenue, and other economic indicators.
In order to be successful in achieving the goals of the Economic Blueprint, collaborative and strategic efforts will be required to maintain the community’s sustainability. There is a significant opportunity for partner organizations to embrace the document and align their resources in a manner that furthers our collective efforts. Moving forward, the implementation strategy will aim to: ➢ Strengthen existing partnerships wherever possible and look to identify new strategic partnerships ➢ Develop local policies and procedures necessary to support change ➢ Align policy decisions with the Economic Blueprint wherever possible ➢ Provide updates to City Council on activities supporting the Economic Blueprint ➢ Recognize the Economic Blueprint is a community effort ➢ Share in the prosperity and success
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