City of Morgan Hill Fiscal Years 2020- 2022 Recommended Operating and CIP Budgets
Police Special Operations (continued) Partner with MHUSD to provide student/driver education regarding common law violations and misconceptions Partner with nightlife businesses and transportation networks to deter impaired driving by offering special services and promotions (e.g. Know Your Limits Campaign, Designated Driver Program Financial Comments During FY 18-19 the department received a grant award from the Law Enforcement Tobacco Grant Program. The department was among a select few applicants that received full funding request of $561,000 over 3 years. The grant funds 1.0 FTE School Resource Officer position, officer and MSO overtime hours for tobacco enforcement activities and a volunteer teen peer-to- peer education/awareness program entitled Warriors Against Vaping & E-cigarettes (WAVE). In FY 18-19 the department was a sub-recipient of a second Law Enforcement Tobacco Grant awarded to the County of Santa Clara to conduct decoy operations at tobacco retail establishments to deter and enforce prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to those under the age of 21. This 2- year grant provides $64,000 in officer overtime hours to conduct the decoy operations. MHUSD will continue to provide partial reimbursement for one SRO position dedicated to working directly on school sites; the second SRO position will be fully funded by the Law Enforcement Tobacco Grant through June 2021. As this grant funded SRO position offset a second SRO, identified in the FY18-19 and FY 19-20 budget development process, that 1.0 FTE position will be reassigned in FY 20-21 from an SRO to a Detective position to meet the urgent need for mental and behavioral health services in our community.
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