City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
Develop an integrated intelligence and crime analysis function.
Recreate the street crime/gang enforcement team to supplement investigations and patrol deployment and to be able to develop a crime prevention and community engagement strategy. CPSM recommends that the administrative sergeant position be reassigned to the Field Operations Division and duties modified to provide administrative support as appropriate to enable patrol sergeants to more effectively direct patrol operations. CPSM recommends creation of a Professional Standards Unit under the direction of a sergeant. Law enforcement agencies have developed professional standards units to manage department-wide essential support services by maintaining high standards of ethics and professionalism in the areas of recruitment, hiring, personnel records maintenance, labor relations, human resource management, policy development, training, administrative investigations and use-of-force management. A comprehensive, reliable, and user-friendly administrative investigation and public complaint tracking system should be implemented to provide a valuable risk management tool. The practice of the fact finder determining administrative investigation case findings should be examined and revised to balance investigative objectivity and staff development benefits. MHPD policy in this area should be reviewed to ensure policy and practice is in line with the desired investigative process. Administrative investigation and personnel complaint management reports should be provided to executive staff on a regular basis utilizing the current manual tracking method and any tracking software implemented in the future. CPSM recommends that the two related policy statements (300.5 and 300.5.1) be combined to clarify that documenting and reporting incidents of force are governed by the same criteria. Policy should be revised to include a requirement that an officer observing a use of force under any circumstance be required to report the observed use to a supervisor. CPSM recommends policy language regarding supervisory response to use-of-force incidents be clarified with a positive requirement to respond to all force incidents and that language such as “when a supervisor is able to” or “in the events a supervisor is unable to respond” be eliminated. The Critical Incident Review Board (CIRB) policy must be revised to reflect the board’s true intended scope of authority and responsibility. Department IA policy should be reviewed to ensure that policy and practice are in line.
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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