City of Morgan Hill Public Safety Master Plan
CPSM recommends the Executive Information Services (EIS) use-of-force module be implemented as soon as possible or a suitable replacement be implemented as soon as possible. Management must be diligent in reviewing completed backgrounds to ensure the thoroughness and quality of the new company meets MHPD standards. Consideration should be given to utilizing a retiree to conduct background investigations. This would be a temporary position, without benefits, that would work on an as-needed basis. Funding for this position could be drawn from the budgeted funds for a position which is then vacant. CPSM recommends the background/recruitment process be included in the Professional Standards Unit as noted in this report. The two-year training calendar should be reviewed annually to ensure that compliance with current law and training relevance to department needs are maintained. Management should ensure that briefings occur with minimal exception. Supervisors should be innovative in their approach to accomplishing this task. Perishable skills and dynamic scenario training should be included in the two-year training calendar to ensure it is presented at appropriate intervals. A review of current training facilities should be considered to ensure they meet department training needs. CPSM recommends a team from Communications be established to review the dispatch practices of the current Communications staff and develop a system to accurately identify the true “dispatch delay” period. The CAD database should be modified to ensure that only in-progress crimes and life-safety incidents be recorded as Priority 1 calls. MHPD should review and modify current Records policy to better reflect the “paperless” process employed by MHPD. Consideration should be given to discontinuing the practice of accepting cash at the Records Section public window and moving to a system for accepting only credit/debit cards, checks, or money orders. Ensure vehicle maintenance and repair software is installed and utilized to improve fleet service oversight. Identify technology priorities for the department and develop a strategy to seek necessary funding. MHPD has a number of prisoner transport alternatives worthy of exploration, including policy modification, regional jailing cooperatives, and employing a private transport service. CPSM recommends MHPD assess these options for the solution that addresses its concerns and provides the most benefit to the organization.
Police Operations and Data Analysis Report, Morgan Hill, California
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