Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

 Cubicles lack privacy; so difficult applicant conversations are made more difficult;  Cubicles need to be reconfigured to improve privacy and maximize workspace;  Some cubicles that are visible to the public are disheveled, which reflects negatively on staff as a whole;  The counter computers are often not working (e.g., software and hardware issues);  Tables are used for storage instead of workspace;  Filing cabinets for paper file storage consume too much workspace;  The overall office space is cramped;  The office space was intended to collocate development-related functions; however, other unrelated functions were moved in during City Hall renovations. Renovations are complete and unrelated functions, including utility billing, passport services and finance need to move back to City Hall. We toured the office and observed operations during our visit and agree with the above feedback. We understand that the City is working on a redesign of the office, which will resolve cubicle configuration issues and improve the counter layout. Also see our recommendation under the “filing” heading below, regarding immediately scanning and archiving paper files and removing file cabinets that are no longer needed in the Division. 113. Recommendation: The City Manager should require staff occupying cubicles that are visible from the public realm to clean and organize their workspace. Should clearly articulate the Division’s mission and city philosophy’s to staff and include allocate time during the regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting for team building to rebuild rapport and improve morale. 114. Recommendation: The Assistant City Manager for Community Development should ensure that the counter computer(s)s are continually maintained in working order.

Organizational Structure

Figure 2, shown earlier in this study, shows the organizational structure for the Community Development Department and Figure 7 above shows the existing Planning Division structure in relation to the overall Department. We received feedback from the Focus group participants and staff interviewees that the structure is confusing because there is an Assistant City Manager for Community Development (ACM) and a Community Development Director (CDD). The ACM is

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