Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
One of the annuitant contract planners is used to cover an Assistant/Associate Planner position vacancy, which is currently being filled. About 75% of the contract planner’s time is devoted to counter coverage. After the new Associate Planner starts and is trained, 50% of the Associate Planner’s time will be allocated to counter coverage. The contract planner will then be reallocated to case processing about 2 days per week so that the existing Associate Planner can continue to support the City’s new TRAKiT data management system rollout. The other annuitant contract planner is used to cover regular staff planner time that is being absorbed by the TRAKiT system project. This contract planner will be phased out once TRAKiT is launched. Both annuitant contract planners report to the Director. The cost for both of the annuitant contract planners was included in the TRAKiT project budget. Currently, each annuitant planner is managing 7 current planning projects. The second type of Contract Planner includes planners provided by PMC and M- Group. These Contract Planners handle expedited review cases. Applicants desiring expedited review pay the cost of the actual Contract Planner, plus the application fee, plus 15% for City administration in exchange for expedited review.
See our discussion under “ expedited review” regarding the expedited review process.
Contract planners provided by PMC and/or M-Group are utilized as needed, so their hours vary. The Director indicates that they currently utilize 2, experienced contract planners (e.g., Senior/Principal level) that equates to .7 FTE (e.g., .35 FTE each). One reports to the Director and one to a Senior Planner. Currently, these contract planners are managing a total of 5 cases (see Table below).
Development Services Technician
As noted earlier, the Development Services Technician (DST) handles over-the- counter planning permits, administrative use and Tree Removal Permits, processes deposits for contract planning services and trains the Municipal Services Assistant. The DST is currently managing 1 planning case.
Staffing Analysis
Table 19 below summarizes the above-described existing staffing resources available to process current planning cases and the number of cases currently being processed by position.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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