Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

various organizational issues that we noted in this report, such as training, coordination, file management, communication and morale issues. We also noted a number of process issues (see “Process Issues” heading below), such as lags in project assignment, an unstructured DRC process, the lack of performance standards and readily available data. There were no work backlogs reported in the Division. Although a detailed staffing analysis was not performed for the Current Planning Function because labor data was not available, it appears that staffing is adequate even considering our below recommendation to have Planner’s assume some CEQA processing responsibility. In addition, more processing capacity should become available once the new Associate Planner is fully trained and the TRAKiT system is fully utilized. The Division should continue to utilize outside consulting help to handle spikes in development activity until such time that it can be shown through a detailed staffing analysis that development activity can support the hiring of additional full-time staff. 117. Recommendation: The Division Manager should create a staffing model for Current Planning using labor hours derived from the Planning Division fee study that is in progress, as well as available CEQA consulting data, to conduct a staffing analysis to determine appropriate full time staffing levels for the Division. Other Division Staffing Our interviews with staff indicated that a GIS position is needed in the City to assist in enhancing, updating and maintaining the GIS system and provide a greater level of GIS integration with the new TRAKiT system. We understand that the Assistant City Manager for Community Development is requesting a new fulltime GIS Manager position that will be dedicated to bridge the GIS service gaps in the Community Development and Community Services Departments and the Police Department, which is excellent. Funding for the Position is anticipated to be spread through the Internal Service Fund.

See Recommendation #19 above, regarding our support for a new GIS position.

Telephone, Emails, Telephone System

An earlier recommendation in this report established that all phone calls and emails are to be returned by the end of the day. Staff indicated that there is a widespread problem in the Division of answering phones and returning calls and emails in a timely manner. Staff indicated that calls are often intentionally unanswered because

Morgan Hill, California


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