Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Figure 9 Conceptual Plan Review (CPR) and Preliminary Plan Review (PPR) Process

1. An application is submitted to the Development Services Technician (DST) or Planner on Duty (POD) at the Division Front Counter along with the required fee, and application materials, anytime Monday through Friday.

See our earlier recommendation under the “handout” heading regarding working with IT to create fillable online planning applications

Application materials for both the CPR and PPR are the same and include a completed application, an application fee, 5, full sets of plans, 3 reduced sets of plans and 1 CD of the plan set in .pdf format, a habitat plan and a letter with project questions. We agree with the City’s practice of requiring a CD plan set, while the City works towards launching its new electronic data collection and permitting system. 128. Recommendation: The Conceptual and Preliminary Plan Review processes should be included in TRAKiT to allow for online electronic submittal and payment and electronic review.

2. The DST or POD reviews the application and submittal materials (e.g., screen check review) against a checklist to ensure that all required information has

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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