Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

been included in accordance with the Division’s checklist and if so, logs the application into the paper log book, calculates and accepts fees and provides a written receipt to the applicant. We received feedback from some staff that incomplete applications are accepted at times. 129. Recommendation: The CDD should issue a formal policy to reject incomplete applications and include it in the updated PPM. 3. The application materials are forwarded to the Municipal Services Assistant (MSA), who logs the project into the Tide Mark permitting software system, creates a paper file with a case number and date stamps and labels all materials. The MSA then distributes materials electronically or by paper copies, (e.g., depending on the reviewer) for a 14-calendar day review to city DRC members and external reviewers, which may include staff in the Police Department, Building, Public Works, Fire, Housing, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Pacific Gas & Electric and Morgan Hill Unified School District. Staff has created an application routing form that specifies which reviewers receive application materials by application type. Staff stated that plans are not uploaded into Tide Mark. Staff indicated that less complicated plans are routed electronically, while more detailed plans are routed in paper form. See above recommendation regarding electronic submittal, which will eliminate the paper log and submittal practice. The 14-day review period is not considered a formal Performance Standard by the CDD or reviewers and is often not met by some reviewers, particularly Engineering. 130. Recommendation: The CDD should establish a review Performance Standard for the Conceptual and Preliminary Plan processes. See our recommendations under the “Performance Standards” heading for recommended standards for this process and the “Data/Reporting” heading about reporting on Performance Standards. 4. The project file is forwarded to the CDD who assigns the project to an available planner at the weekly Tuesday staff meeting. Depending on the submittal day, the project is assigned between 1 and 7 calendar days of submittal. 131. Recommendation: Responsibility for project assignment should be delegated to a Senior Planner if needed, to free up the Director’s time to

Morgan Hill, California


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