Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016
ensure that projects are immediately assigned to an available planner, regardless of the submittal day until the TRAKiT System is launched, which should provide for new project notification to Director or Designee to facilitate immediate electronic assignment. 5. A copy of project file materials is then given to the Senior Planner that has been delegated Design Review Committee (DRC) meeting operation responsibility. The Senior Planner takes the file materials to the next regularly scheduled Wednesday DRC meeting and introduces the project as a new project to DRC members. 6. At the next regularly scheduled DRC meeting, seven days later, the project is fully discussed by the DRC participants. Applicants are not invited to the DRC. Instead, the assigned planner will meet separately with the applicant to discuss issues that were identified by the DRC, if needed. See our recommendations under the “DRC” heading below, regarding recommendations for inviting the applicant and improving the DRC function.
7. DRC member comments are due within 14 calendar days by written memo or by email. Staff stated that DRC comments are not uploaded into Tide Mark.
132. Recommendation: DRC comments should be transmitted by email until the TRAKiT system is launched.
133. Recommendation: Once TRAKiT is launched, DRC comments should be documented and stored in TRAKiT. 8. Following the DRC meeting, the assigned Planner prepares written feedback and mails/emails a copy to the applicant. Staff indicated that a “Standard Conditions” checklist is utilized to communicate standard code requirements that are applicable to a project. We received feedback that, at times, staff assigns standard conditions to a project, which do not apply, creating confusion. 134. Recommendation: DRC members should only assign standard conditions that actually apply to a project.
Morgan Hill, California
Zucker Systems
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