Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

3. Steps 2 through 7 are generally the same as those outlined in the Conceptual Plan Review process outlined above, except that after the 2 nd DRC meeting, where the project is discussed by the DRC team, the assigned Planner makes a determination as to whether the project is complete or incomplete. Staff’s completeness determination is outlined in a letter along with any conditions of approval or comments generated by the DRC and forwarded to the applicant via mail and/or email.

137. Recommendation:

Performance Standards for the Director Administrative Approval applications should be established for up to 3 review cycles and included in the TRAKiT system.

See the “Performance Standards” heading for our recommended standard for this process.

See our below recommendation regarding excluding this process from DRC meetings, unless unusual circumstances exist. Staff noted that projects that are categorized as Director Administrative Approval are less complex and more routine and typically either exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) or are covered under a previous CEQA project and determination, so a completeness determination can be provided at this time. 8. Following the completeness determination, a 10-day public notice is provided. The type of notice provided (e.g., contiguous property, property posting or surrounding property notice), depends on the application type. The Division currently requires the applicant to obtain and submit property owner lists for public notices as well as stamped envelopes to shift the labor and cost for public notice to the applicant, which is not unusual. However, once the TRAKiT system is launched, property owner list production, envelop preparation and mailing should be transferred to the Division to facilitate electronic submittal. Costs for these activities can be passed along to the applicant. In addition, City generated lists and mailings may help to improve mailing accuracy. 138. Recommendation: The Division should assume the property owner list, label production, envelop stuffing and postage and mailing responsibilities as part of the TRAKiT launch to facilitate electronic submittal and recover these costs from the applicant.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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