Development Services Review. Final Report. Zucker July 2016

Figure 10 Director Administrative Approval Process

Optional conceptual plan review or

preliminary plan review

MSA logs into Tidemark, creates paper file, labels, date stamps, distributes to DRC for 14 day review

Project file to Director to assign at Tuesday staff meeting

Formal submittal at counter anytime M-F

POD logs in book; takes fees; writes receipt

Application forwarded to MSA

Same day

Same day

Same day

1-7 days depending on submittal day

Planner mails completeness determination to applicant with DRC comments

Project file assigned to planner at Tuesday meeting

MSA collect email & written comments by DRC, puts in Tile

DRC meeting, applicant doesn't attend

1 day

1 wk

DRC meeting, no applicant

1 wk


Incomplete Revised & Resubmit

Plans stamped & put in file

CEQA Exempt or under previous CEQA determination

Copy of design permit certification to applicant

10 day public notice

10 days

Director decision

MSA updates Tidemark

An optional non-RDCS Preliminary Plan Review or Conceptual Plan review meeting is held following the submission of a completed application, fees and required application materials (see “Conceptual Plan Review” heading above for details). 2. An application is submitted to the Development Services Technician (DST) or Planner on Duty (POD) at the Front Counter along with the required fee, and application materials, anytime Monday through Friday.

See our above recommendations regarding the creation of a fillable application and rejecting incomplete applications.

Application submittal materials vary somewhat by application, but generally include a completed application, full sets of plans, reduced sets of plans, a CD of the plan set in .pdf format, contiguous or surrounding property list, affidavit and stamped addressed envelopes, title report, photos, justification letter and fees. 136. Recommendation: The Director Administrative Approval process should be included in the TRAKiT system to allow for online electronic submittal, payment, and review.

Morgan Hill, California


Zucker Systems

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